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Creature Cocks – Mythological


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Rainbow Phoenix – Your hands tighten on the long, fire-proof rope that is tethered to the angry phoenix. It screeches in protest, the sound nearly deafening. You shake your head to clear it and yank on the rope, pulling the giant bird’s head down. “Stay put, you horrid beast!” It’s just your luck that all the other attendants have left to celebrate Gwynn’s promotion, leaving you as the only one to shut down the Exotic Aviary tonight. You reach down to grab the hook for the rope so you can tie a hitch, and the giant, rainbow-colored bird notices you’re off balance and chooses that moment to flap its great wings and rear up, pulling you up into the air! You flail, grasping at the air, and then slam onto the ground. It takes a moment to realize where you are. The ground rose up to hit you in the head, and you completely lost consciousness. You open your eyes and only see stars and bleary shadows for a while. You feel something tugging at your clothes, pecking at your skin. Your sight clears and you see the sharp beak of the phoenix ripping your clothes off. It’s busy shredding your clothing to pieces, no doubt to make a nest for itself out of your linens! Your eyes open wider in shock and you try to get up, but the bird screeches at you and pounces on you, pinning you down with its strong taloned foot and shoving its sharp beak in your chest. It turns its head and looks at you with one, large, golden eye. The iris gets very, very large and you notice it starts to purr and coo. “What in the world is happening?”, you whisper to yourself, bewildered and frightened. You vaguely sense that there’s a little too much cool air on your skin and realize you are mostly naked at this point. The phoenix’s feathers start to ruffle and fluff up, then it closes its eyes half-way as if intoxicated, and that’s when you feel it; a big, heavy, wet bird rod on your thigh. “Oh, not a chance!” You rise to get up, but the giant phoenix pushes you down again, its eyes a little more threatening, its talons digging a little deeper into your flesh so it hurts. And then it starts to rock its body until… it pushes through and into you! You yell out, your voice heard by no one, as the large rod fills you up! The phoenix spreads its wings, rides you, and then empties all of its seed into your body! You whimper, half-naked, and realize this is just one more mess you’ll have to clean up tonight.

Count Cockula – You turn on your favorite vampire movie, dim the lights, and wait for the creature to arrive onscreen. A flash of lightning is followed by thunder, and the lights go out in your house. “Darn it! All the power went out!” You get up, using your phone as a flashlight, and stumble through the house, unused to it being so dark. As you flip the switch, nothing happens, but then another flash of lightning illuminates the room and shows you a tall, terrifying, monster is right beside you! It lunges at you, biting your neck and gripping you with icy fingers! It shreds your clothing with its claws as you scream, your vision going hazy due to blood loss. It releases its bite on your neck and you go limp, but you can still see its red, glowing eyes full of hunger. It reaches down and then shoves its rod inside of you! It’s cold, like the rest of its body, and you wake up due to the shock with a gasp! It holds you upright as it thrusts, but with every thrust, it feels like it is biting you down below! Slowly, slowly, you lose consciousness. In the morning, you feel drowsy, and euphoric, but then as soon as you look at a mirror, you see your neck and crotch are covered in bite marks and blood!

Moon Rider Glow in The Dark – A touch of magic is what you need, and so you venture into the dark forest. The myths all say that the mystical moon unicorn is rare, but if you catch it, it will make all your dreams come true! You travel for days, nearly losing hope. As you kneel near a stream, you see the reflection of the moon in the water and notice that you’ve entered a small clearing of trees. The water ripples as you gaze down and a mystical glow is reflected in the water. “It can’t be!” you think, your excitement growing. You look up and the fabled unicorn has appeared! “Of course! It must only appear during a full moon!” As you rise, the unicorn gazes at you, and then the air shimmers around it and it transforms. Before you stands the most beautiful man you have ever seen… if you can call it a man. Its skin shimmers with moonlight and rainbows, its hair is silky and silver, and between its legs hangs a rather large, horned rod. It speaks to you and its words are like liquid gold. “You must be here for a wish, like everyone else who seeks me out.” You tremble, uncertain of what to say next. The unicorn steps closer. Its hand reaches towards your face and before you can flinch it gently tucks a stray hair away from your face. “Well, aren’t you a pretty human.” You gulp, suddenly excited as well as afraid. You’ve never felt such powerful magic before. “I w-want some of your magic.” You say, almost stuttering. The unicorn runs its fingers across your neck, down your chest, to your hips. Then they stop. “If you want my magic, then I want something from you, too.” before you respond, they rip off your clothes and throw them on the forest floor. You’re gasping and breathing heavily as they pounce on top of you, opening your thighs and reaching between your legs. Their tongue is tasting every inch of you until you’re moaning in pleasure. Then they stand in front of you, holding their glowing rod in their hands, and say, “Here’s your magic. Now take it in like a good little adventurer. I know you must be hungry for more!” With your mouth wet and open, you take them in and feel the thrum of energy fill your body. You both find more holes and more ways to drink each other and taste each other until the forest floor is covered with glowing, wet magic.

Resurrecter Phoenix Squirting – Then you hear something moving behind you. You turn only in time to see a brilliant flame bursting again from the ash and see the phoenix rising again! You scramble to grab your crossbow and try to kill it again, but it just leaps onto you, pushing you down and ripping at your clothing. Its death has made it ravenous and violent! Its perverse nature has been amplified and a throbbing, large rod has risen between its feathered legs! It shoves it inside of you, rapidly thrusting and grinding, its large fiery wings beating in rhythm! You scream as it enters, your body feeling the heat of its fire, and moan in pain and pleasure! How could this have happened? Then it gushes out a stream of fluids, and as it removes itself from you the white cream pours free from between your own thighs. You pant and gasp, hoping it’s been satisfied. But as you look up you see its rod has risen again, ready to plunge deep into your depths once more!

Dragon Tongue – “Why have you come here, mortal human?” the dragon asks, as it crouches low, sniffing the air and letting plumes of dragon’s breath billow out from its flared nostrils in curling clouds of smoke. You stand completely still, your back pressed against the cave wall, hoping that your anxious sweat won’t give away your location. “Did you come here for gold, perhaps?” Its voice rumbles deep, reverberating the small pebbles and walls with its deep vibrations. It gets closer, so close you barely breathe. “Or maybe you came here to be my…treat!” It pounces forward cornering you where you stand and you shriek in fear! Your breath is ragged, coming in short gasps as you try and get your fear under control but how can you? You’re face to face with a monster! “Hello there, pet”, it licks its long fangs menacingly as it speaks, “I wonder how good you taste?” You try and run. What a pointless, stupid attempt. The dragon overpowers you immediately, pressing its strong front leg against your chest and pinning you to the wall. With its free arm, it uses its terrifyingly long, sharp claws to rip your clothes to shreds. You swallow, your mouth suddenly dry, as it nearly disembowels you with its claws but leaves only a few scratches and a slight trickling of blood. “Mmhhh… You smell, delicious.” The dragon lowers its head and the longest tongue you’ve ever seen slides out, full of knots and bumps, textured and muscular. It licks you and smiles a toothy grin. Then it sticks its tongue deep inside you until you scream and wail, the sudden stretching of your hole shocking you to near panic! But then it starts moving its tongue, and its tongue is skilled and… pleasurable. It moves inside you, massaging and rubbing, the tongue searching to taste every part of your insides! You can’t help yourself. You begin to writhe and grind against it until you’re sitting on its face, the nostrils flaring and blowing smoke against your body. You writhe and writhe as it eats you and you no longer care if it wants to consume you because you can think of nothing better than being consumed!

DON’T FORGET TO ADD YOUR Creature Slime Creature Cum (unscented) (8 oz)  – Want to take your fantasy play to a new level? Aching to get the thick, oozing cum all over one of your Creature Cocks and inside your holes?  This incredibly thick, gooey lube ensures every slick, slippery slide and ride goes beyond your human limitations! This creature jizz is gloriously unscented, perfect for those who want to ride the monster but not smell them. Compatible with all your kinky toys thanks to its water-based formula, you’ll clean up faster than a monster escaping daylight.


  •  Creature Jizz: Fill yourself up with monster loads!
  • Thick and Gooey: This formula is thick, gooey, and oozes out of every hole!
  • Water-Based: Safe to use on any toy and cleans up easily!
  • Unscented: No more offensive monster aroma! This is scent-free. Prepare yourself for the ultimate monster experience with Creature Jizz!


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Rainbow Phoenix, Count Cockula, Moon Rider Glow in The Dark, Resurrecter Phoenix Squirting, Dragon Tongue, Creature Slime Creature Cum


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